The Hills of Emyn Muil - Progression Series #7
TheHiveTyrant 2591
A pair of decks intended to be played against The Hills of Emyn Muil, for use in the Lord of the Rings: the Card Game Progression Series. As quickly as possible, attempt to secure Steward of Gondor's attachment to Beravor, then proceed to use Rivendell Minstrel, if necessary, to adhere Song of Travel to her, as well. Take no mercy against the encounter deck - always commit Thalin to the quest, so as to destroy Eastern Crows before they surge, and draw as many cards as possible between either deck in order to get multiple copies of Northern Tracker out and exploring Emyn Muil trait locations en masse.
Note that Song of Travel and Theodred are likely necessary for the combat deck to be able to play Northern Tracker(s). Both decks start with threat values sufficiently low as to prevent engagement with the majority of enemies that one can expect to see revealed from the encounter deck, and if necessary, Eleanor or Frodo Baggins should make adequate defenders, in a pinch (though so can any of the throwaway allies in either deck, such as Gondorian Spearman or The Riddermark's Finest). Once you manage to exceed the amount of threat that the encounter deck brings to bear against you each turn (or once you get out one or more Northern Trackers), become very liberal with your use of Eleanor to cancel the "when revealed" effects of treachery cards - and always try to keep at least one backup copy of A Test of Will available between either player, in order to stop Rockslide. Despite neither deck being particularly capable when it comes to combat (though Unexpected Courage on Thalin, and Sneak Attack plus Gandalf are certainly useful), unless that treachery is allowed to successfully resolve several times in the same game, it should be all but impossible for this pair of decks to lose against this scenario. Good luck!