Revised Core Series - Journey Along the Anduin

pandom 5654


"They have a Hill Troll?" - Boromir, probably

The video can be found here:

This scenario teaches us a few things about the game - not to blindly progress without being ready, keeping a low threat, and dealing with a "Big Baddy".

Enjoy! Feedback is always welcomed!

Mistakes: I forget to put Archer damage on the right hand side for two turns. This is inconsequential to the game state or decisions made.

2 Handed Revised Core Progression Series Guidelines

  • One Deck/Hand must use heroes from current cycle.
  • One Deck/Hand can use heroes from any current or previous cycle
  • Progression. Single Revised Core
  • After initial introduction - reduce reliance on cards above the average

Feb 22, 2023 TheJP 1

Tried this solo 2-handed (Quest: Journey Along the Anduin, normal). Unfortunately it ended in defeat by player elimination .

I am a new player so I'm sure there is room for improvement, but it felt it was lacking a bit in controlling the staging area. Especially in Quest 2b (Anduin Passage). 3 cards to reveal in the Quest Phase. Draw some bad locations and Surge. Better luck next time.

Feb 22, 2023 NERD 873

When playing that quest, it is often critical not to go to the second quest card until you can clear it in a single round. I would wait on the first stage and build up a horde of allies.

Feb 22, 2023 TheJP 1

@NERD Thanks for your advice. Will try it out!