Unlimited Resources
Carder89 116
The Eleanor deck plays a slow control game. Both her and Denethor can defend pretty well. Denethor usually has Protector of Lórien and Self Preservation on him to keep defending, as well as Unexpected Courage to heal multiple times. Eleanor takes care of problematic cards that you are not prepared for. Thalin softens up enemies and usually needs an Unexpected Courage to help finish the enemies off.
The Glóin deck is built to get 4-drops out pretty quickly. With them you can quest for a bunch or assist in killing any enemies. The archers and Longbeard Orc Slayer can help with the latter, while Faramir helps with the former. Use Northern Tracker and Snowbourn Scout for location control.
This pairing of decks lacks card draw. That broke me up during the games.