Team Ranger
Carder89 116
The team Aragorn deck is great at questing, cancellation and threat reduction. Aragorn is a secundary defender. The Beravor deck is a support deck. Denethor does most of the defending. Beravor draws cards, while Legolas defeats enemies.
Unexpected Courage can be useful on Denethor, Aragorn, and Legolas depending on the circumstances. Protector of Lórien can help Denethor and Aragorn defend, while a final copy can aid Éowyn in questing in a pinch. Extra copies of unique allies and attachments can be discarded to Protector or Éowyn. These can be brought back with Dwarven Tomb, Erebor Hammersmith or Stand and Fight.
Sneak Attack targets are both Gandalf and Beorn.Beorn can also be brought back with Stand and Fight.