legolas shoots through nurn
doomguard 2191
this fellowship is created with the goal to run fortress of nurn (and if it can beat this quest, it can beat many quests)
fortress of nurn needs everything and has very limited cards availaible. so a mixture of heroes who can do much for themself + a deck that slows the encounter with sidequests and have a repeatable part in in, if there are phases in the game without a deck.
this is it, the repeatable part will be realised with Elven-light and discard of Arwen Undómiel and Éowyn (a rare situation where the good old core-eowyn is superior to the all-time-top-tier Éowyn. a possible replacement could be (MotK) Glorfindel a bit less willpower, but inbuild readying synergiesing with Elven-light
the other part, heroes at itself should have decent power is, the good old core-Legolas together with Grimbeorn the Old can handle a good amount of battle specially with multiple actions that will come from Unexpected Courage or Miruvor that synergies well with Grimbeorn the Olds abiity these 2 should do most of combat and make a good part of the progress (Legolas with 1-3 Blade of Gondolin is a good amount asuming killling 1-2 enemy each round)
Arwen Undómiel can pay singleround for a Unexpected Courage and lateron buy back cards for discarding for Éowyn of for Steed of Imladris Thurindir is imo the silverbullet in nurn, because he becomes better and better not only from playersidequests also from encountersidequests. Eleanor is very valuable here. usually you can have 6 A Test of Will within 2 decks and can negate nasty tracheries that way, in nurn with very limted deck, you rarela get more than 1 A Test of Will, so she can rescue many lives with her ability.
so this fellowship can nacked from the start:
- have a sidequest in play
- can quest with 9 +2(Éowyn = 11
- has high probability (6 courages + 6 Miruvor) to defend 2 sentinalattacks and strike back 1 of them
- 1 ranged attack up to st 7 + weapons with 2 + possibleBlade of Gondolin progress
in the game, the questdeck will improve questing and locationcontrol, the legolasdeck will improve fighting and combatprogress.
Double Back gives you the best start you can get, then look for multiple actions (Unexpected Courage and Miruvor) and Elven-light
The One Ring Strength and Courage goes to Legolas
1. round play Double Back if posible and choose as active quest. try to get Grimbeorn the Old a Gondorian Shield and or a Raiment of War in addition to a 2. action (Unexpected Courage or Miruvor so he can defend the 2 from start engaged enemys, wound 1 of them so legolas can kill it. if legolas has 2 actions, he can additionally wound the other.
the engaged enemys are:'s-Guard-ASitE?Lang=EN
so if defended by Grimbeorn the Old and he uses his ability a single not boosted shot from Legolas can kill it, and a unwounded can be killed by legolas using Strength and Courage. so, if you can get each of them an additional action (a Rohan Warhorse is enough for Legolas ), both will be dead 1. round.
other small advices
- Light of Valinor on Legolas i contract is lipped, he is a good quester
- Thorongil on legolas, then he can ready a different hero, or on Éowyn i u need the once str 10 attack o her tacticversion
- Helm of Secrecy can be used to sneack Galadriel or Folco Boffin in if thread is an issue
- the thurindirdeck has much healing, one of the cards should make it into the first 10
- play as much sidequests you can get, it helps to get to a good boardstate and every one improve Thurindir
- use Eleanor to cancel's-Reach-TFoN?Lang=EN if not both of them are in the discard
- Well Preserved is or Legolas if you get him the ring, if you gave it Grimbeorn the Old then pass to him