The Three Trials progression
HayashiM 88
The Three Trials progression - The Elves are taking the Hobbits from Isengard
I wanted to finally give Secrecy a shot, although I didn't go full out with it. The experience with these decks is similar to the one with the quests from The Black Riders - I haven't even used that many cards past that box. Hobbits get their buffs whenever a Guardian engages them, which is every other round for each deck while being on stage 2. Essentially, build Sam and Frodo as your defenders, and Legolas, Merry and Glorfindel as attackers, while Sam, Pippin and later Glorfindel become the questers. It's ok to put both Resourcefuls on Frodo, who also gets a Song of Wisdom + Burning Brand, paying for everything in his deck. Arwen can also give Frodo sentinel and with a Fast Hitch and a Hobbit Cloak, he becomes the ultimate defender.
I suggest going in the same order proposed by Vision of the Palantir's article - Trial of Intuition -> Perseverance -> Strength. On stage 3, get rid of two Guardians, travel to the Hallowed Circle and quest through.
Mulligan for Resourceful / Elrond's Counsel for the Spirit deck and Rivendell Blade / Hobbit Cloak for the Tactics deck. Asfaloth / Light of Valinor / Steward of Gondor are not as important (you could perhaps even swap one of the Lights for another Burning Brand / Fast Hitch), although you should try to remain in Secrecy for as long as you can.