The Drúadan Forest progression
HayashiM 88
The first time I am using Outlands, they are super powerful, just as the Elrond + Glorfindel combo and their toys.
For the Spirit deck, you really want to see Light of Valinor on your starting hand, ideally paired with Warden of Healing / Asfaloth / Gléowine. Vilya is not even all that important here, especially as most cards are of 0-2 cost.
For the Leadership deck you want to start with some of the powerful attachments - Steward of Gondor / Celebrían's Stone / King Under the Mountain, best in this order. Some Outlands straight out of the gate are also nice.
Steward of Gondor goes on Hirluin the Fair, Celebrían's Stone on Aragorn. Prioritise getting a Dúnedain Warning first on Elrond, then possibly on Aragorn if you have enough resources to pay for your attachments once the treachery hits.