Partner Decks using only new cards
Some of the strategy may not be immediately apparent, so I will do my best to point out some of the tricks to it. Wingfoot, of course, is for Haldir. Spear of the Mark is for Dunhere. Fastred blocks, sends the enemy back to the staging area to reduce your threat, and then Dunhere kills it in the staging area. But sometimes you will want your partner to use Denethor to block instead, and sometimes you will want Legolas to help kill. As a general rule, I only send something back to the staging area if there are multiple enemies engaged with both of us leaving Legolas something to attack and kill. The Dunedin Hunter and Expert Trackers create an awesome combo. You use the Dunedin Hunter to pull an enemy from the encounter deck and then immediately exhaust it to the Expert Trackers event in order to put progress on a location. If you aren't sure if an enemy is coming, Denethor and Henmarath can help you check. You'll want to look anyway because of Wingfoot, which you can find fairly fast through all the card drawing the decks offer both players. Unexpected Courage is best played on Denethor first, and Dunhere second. Protector of Lorien really belongs on Haldir, but you'll want your partner to have a copy as well so put the second copy on Fastred for more defense or Dunhere after he has Unexpected Courage to allow him to quest.
Also, Helm of Secrecy is used as a mid-game adjustment. Maybe you need more willpower and less combat, so replace Fastred with Eowyn, or go for more card drawing by swapping Glorfindel for Bereavor. There are endless possibilities.
We have beaten every core deck quest and both of the quests in The Dark of Murkwood quite handedly.