Bring on the pain!

TheChad 14292


This is a fantastic Glóin and Gimli combo deck. Imladris Stargazer is useful for both to enable Well-Equipped and Vilya. Steward of Gondor goes on Elrond, once he has the icon from Vilya he can help pay for all the cards in his deck. Use his abundance of resources to ready Warden of Healing for extra heals, or to trigger Erebor Record Keeper's ability.
If the dwarf deck is the first player, then a turn 1 Song of Mocking can really boost your opening planning phase. Slap that song on Treebeard and damage him so you can transfer that controlled damage to Glóin for a resource boost. Just make sure you have some healing handy! The reason for so many 1 copy cards is that they are not really essential to the deck, (for example: Arwen Undómiel and Dúnedain Signal both grant sentinal, Tireless Hunters and Dúnedain Cache both let Gimli attack enemies that were engaged with another player). I have found that I usually have a ton of card draw from Foe-hammer, Gandalf, Galadriel, and a few other cards that I end up drawing one deck completely out, and nearly emptying the other. Jank up the Father and Son team to take on all the enemies and use Elrond's team to quest and lower threat.