Fellowship Rohan rule the game
Kaspatou 801
Hello, When i saw cards like Éomund, i wanted to play Rohans in duo. We can cave a lot of combos beetween both decks.
Héros :
Combo Lothiriel/Eomer even if they are separated.
With Gúthwinë and/or Gamling it's awesome with Thengel. Escort from Edoras is free with Lothriel, 4 for nothing and we discard, exhausting Gamling he returns in hand and Thengel put an other free ally ! By the way, Eomer gets +2. I put a lot of typical Rohan allies who have discarded effect to maximise this combo. Escort from Edoras, Westfold Lancer (i put into play so i don't need ), Deeping Bowman...
Allies deck can go 15 T1 if needed when three hunters deck handle ennemis with Erkenbrand and Éomer. This without paying any card.
Elfhelm is here with all mounts of the Rohirrims to boost stats.
We have no so it's quite difficult to draw. That's why i have Gléowine (who can enter with Thengel), if we draw him we can put him into play with Lothiriel to shuffle him into our deck. Théodwyn is cool too for drawing, 3x Ancient Mathom, Gandalf + Sneak Attack always work...
The three hunter decks grab Horn of the Mark to draw 2 cards/turn.
We have 6 A Test of Will to cancel every "when revealed" effects as we can ! :D Shadows are canceled with Erkenbrand who grabds every Unexpected Courage we have. Maybe i will put more Unexpected Courage in three hunters deck.
Healing is ok with the contract + Morwen Steelsheen.
Threat is not a problem with all this but i have Favor of the Valar, The Galadhrim's Greeting and 2 Double Back if Eomer needs use a lot Strength and Courage. 9 with just one card and one character leaving.
Thorongil is here for fun even if i had a game which we destroyed many ennemies in staging area. Unfortunately both Eomer works pretty badly together.
This fellowship works very well and it's fun, i recommend !