[Thematic Campaigns] The Battle of the Pelennor Fields
banania 1966
For our complete run-through, see:
- The Hobbit Saga
- Core Set & Shadow of Mirkwood Cycle
- Khazad-Dûm & Dwarrowdelf Cycle
- Heirs of Númenor & Against the Shadow Cycle
- The Voice of Isengard & Ring-Maker Cycle
- The Lost Realm & Angmar Awakened Cycle
- The Grey Havens & Dream-chaser Cycle
- The Sands of Harad & Haradrim Cycle
- The Wilds of Rhovanion & Ered Mithrin Cycle
- A Shadow in the East & Vengeance of Mordor Cycle
- Thematic Campaign ~ From Bag-End to Rivendell
- Thematic Campaign ~ Fly you Fools!
- Thematic Campaign ~ A Red Sun Rises
- Thematic Campaign ~ To Mordor
- Thematic Campaign ~ The Battle of the Pelennor Fields
- Thematic Campaign ~ The Hour of Doom Hangs Still
- Thematic Campaign ~ We Wants It, We Needs It
The Hiatus
Well, there you go. A year has passed between our last attempts against the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, since last time we tried to play it, my girlfriend went into labour. Of course, the past year has seen a lot less play sessions, and we just recently came back to the Campaign, with the intent of finishing the Aragorn storyline (and playing later the last two Frodo quests at Cirith Ungol and Mount Doom, even if it's technically not the order it's supposed to be played).
The decks themselves are starting to be remotely thematic, because those quests are so hard... but Elladan & Elrohir were certainly there with the Grey Company, and Eowyn too of course. The other deck has a strong Gondor-y flavour, even if Lothiriel or Arwen weren't battling.

Will of the West
It plays as a subpar Caldara deck. You want to be agressively using Elven-light and Arwen Undómiel, and get Prince Imrahil in play through Lothíriel's ability. You should be able to muster a sizeable amount of which can be put to good use with Ride Them Down to start piling up damage on the Nazgûls annonying Wraith on Wings.
It plays like your classic Forth, The Three Hunters! deck, on which everybody has written a lot. Just get those Restricted attachments out. Use Thorongil to bring in Éowyn and slay the Nazgûls. It feels good.
The Battle of the Pelennor Fields: 1/2 ~ It went quite smoothly with the 2 decks in this Fellowsip, one mastering combat, and the other one the questing. Technically, we had 1 loss (1 scoop to be precise), because the Will of the West deck must have Will of the West in their starting hand, least the Eowins deck is empty after the second quest stage... (since you discard until you get an Ally... which wouldn't happen in a Forth the Three Hunters deck).
Campaign Pool
(reflects the fact that we also played the Land of Shadow quests)
+1 starting threat for each player (change of heroes at the beginning of The Uruk-hai).
From The Passing of the Grey Company onwards: +2 starting threat for each player (choice at the end of The Passage of the Marshes).
- Frodo Baggins has Noble Hero and A Heavy Burden
- Aragorn has Skilled Healer and Forewarned
- Éowyn has Leader of Men
- Elladan has Esquire of Rohan
- Elrohir has Esquire of Gondor
Other Boons:
- Old Bogey Stories
- Ho! Tom Bombadil!
- Sting
- Mithril Shirt
- Glamdring
- Anduril
- Phial of Galadriel
- Leaf-wrapped Lembas
Mr. Underhill- Palantir of Orthanc
- Brace of Coneys x2 (each player)
Army of the Dead
- The Ring Draws Them
- Overcome by Terror
- Overcome by Grief
- Ill Fate
Pursued by the Enemy- 2x Wraith on Wings
Number of resources on The Corsair Fleet: 5.
Enemies under the Black Gate:
1x Oliphaunt1x Captain of Harad1x Haradrim Soldier