Fellowship for the second half of the Haradrim cycle
KaiRong 7
This progression-style Fellowship was used to clear Beneath the Sands, The Black Serpent, The Dungeons of Cirith Gurat and The Crossings of Poros scenarios from the Haradrim cycle. It did its job quite well, as all of these scenarios were cleared on first attempt without any struggle.
It also has the potential to handle the majority of the scenarios up to the end of the Haradrim cycle that do not require very specific deckbuilding to tech against certain encounter deck aspects. The Fellowship's decks offer a healthy balance of questing, defense and attack power thanks to the readying effects, manages threat pretty well and can avoid location lock. Mind that it is a slower tempo Fellowship, thus you need a good 4-5 rounds to build your board with attachments, so the scenarios where you don't have the luxury of a slow start will crush this Fellowship. Another weakness is that it is susceptible to attachment hate, and you pretty much require all of your heroes on board, so it will struggle in the scenarios with "prisoner" / "sacked" mechanisms.