Progression 17: On the Doorstep
bobbymcbobface 724
It's time for part 17 of the Progression Series, the second Hobbit saga box: On the Doorstep! Last time, I delivered Lord Alcaron's scroll and aided in the defense of Cair Andros, and managed to complete the challenges for each quest. For more information on that see here: (
This time, I will be attempting to beat all three quests of the On the Doorstep box while also completing a challenge for each one. To see the full rules for my progression series see the first fellowship here:
Today's challenges:
Flies and Spiders: Win the game with all heroes conscious.
The Lonely Mountain: Defeat Smaug by getting at least 20 damage on him.
The Battle of Five Armies: Complete one stage 2, 3, or 4 before starting on another.
Please feel free to leave any comment or challenge suggestion for the next pack, as I continue to unravel conspiracies in The Steward's Fear!
How is Balin working out for you Bobby? :-)