How to Beat "The Black Gate Opens"

Aljeron 81


This fellowship did the impossible, it beat "The Black Gate Opens"

As many of you know, "The Black Gate Opens" literally says "This stage can not be defeated". This means that there is no way to successfully complete the quest. But I found a way around it. What if you could go on forever? That's exactly what this fellowship is designed to do.

The first deck in this fellowship is Sestan's famous "The One Suicide Deck". This deck allows each other player to start the game with infinite resources in each of their hero's resource pools and it allows each player to draw their entire deck into their hand. I highly recommend checking it out if you haven't already. This deck will go first so that on the first planning phase, each other deck has their entire deck drawn and infinite resources in each of their hero's resource pools.

For each deck after this, you will want to play your song cards (Song of Kings, Song of Wisdom, Song of Travel, and Song of Battle) on each of your heroes so that each hero has each resource sphere. You will also want put every card into play (except events) during the first planning phase. The outlands cards found in each deck are for questing, you should only quest outlands allies (except for Frodo Baggins) and you should quest every outlands ally you have. Attach all of your Unexpected Courages to Denethor so that you can make the most of his ability. Attach your Support of the Eagles as such, 1 on Beregond, 4 on Elladan, and 4 on Elrohir. This is completely overkill but it helps if anything should go wrong.

The second deck has the lore cards Leave No Trace, None Return, and Weep No More!. The purpose of these cards is to remove the encounter cards that raise your threat. You will want to use your 3 None Returns on "Warrior of Rhun" the three Weep No More!s on "The Hour of Doom" (don't worry about resolving the effects the first time around as this will actually help you raise your threat enough for the enemies to engagement check you) and your 3 Leave No Traces on whatever you want. Attach your Great Yew Bows to Elladan for attacking in the staging area. Use Galadriel's ability to reduce your threat by one each round.

The third deck is focused on killing every enemy each round. Elladan and Elrohir will each have infinite readies because they have infinite resources in their resource pools. You should play all of your eagle allies and try to get each ally attached to Eagles of the Misty Mountains as quickly as possible. Use Frodo Baggins's ability to reduce your threat by one each round.

The fourth deck is focused on scrying the encounter deck to find the cards that you want to play Out of the Wild on. Use Denethor's ability first and then use Henamarth Riversong's ability. The cards to play Out of the Wild on include, "Jaws of Steel" and "Uruk Warrior", the other ones can be used on anything else. Put your willpower attachments on Frodo Baggins as he will be the only questing hero.


Oct 22, 2021 Alonewolf87 2449

So basically this allows you to last for around 70 (or 90 for the Galadriel deck) rounds against the quest, cool.

Oct 22, 2021 Aljeron 81

It should allow you to last forever. Why would it only last 70/90 rounds?

Oct 22, 2021 Alonewolf87 2449

Each round you have two fixed 1-threat raises in The Black Gate Opens, one at the start of the questing phase due to the location The Black Gate and the usual one at the start of the refresh phase. You can offset one of those two, but due to the Dire keyword not the other one.