Progression 15.5: The Battle of Lake-Town
bobbymcbobface 724
It's time for part 15.5 of the Progression Series, the second POD quest: The Battle of Lake-Town! Last time, I aided Bilbo and Thorin's company on their journey from the Shire to the Carrock, and managed to complete the challenge for each quest. (
This time, I will be attempting to beat The Battle of Lake-Town while also completing a challenge. To see the full rules for my progression series see the first fellowship here:
Especially difficult for today's challenge was making thematic decks. Several of the cards and heroes I would like to use are still a few packs away. I eventually opted to head-canon that some of the occupants of Rivendell, represented here by Aragorn, Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond, and Glorfindel set out to check on the deeds of Thorin's company after news was received of the moving of vast armies. They arrive in Lake-town to find the Dwarves recently departed. Dáin Ironfoot has also come, hearing that some of his kinsfolk have been seen arriving recently. The Elves and the entourage of the Dwarf are not getting, but they hear the bells of Lake-town ringing and see the outer edges of the city go up in smoke. They prepare themselves to defend the city...
Today's challenges:
Find and claim the Old Thrush
Please feel free to leave any comment or challenge suggestion for the next box, as I begin to unravel conspiracies against the Heirs of Númenor!