Progression 15: Over Hill and Under Hill
bobbymcbobface 724
It's time for part 15 of the Progression Series, the first box of the Hobbit saga: Over Hill and Under Hill! Last time, I faced a demon of Shadow and Flame and managed to pull off the win while also completing the challenge for the quest. (
This time, I will be attempting to beat the three quests of Over Hill and Under Hill while also completing at least one challenge for each quest. To see the full rules for my progression series see the first fellowship here:
Today's challenges:
We Must Away Ere Break of Day: Claim the treasure cards
Over the Misty Mountains Cold: Cannot spend resources for the response on Stage 3
Dungeons Deep and Caverns Old: Must always choose to take the riddle test when possible (noting that I still am allowed to change decks before this scenario per progression rules, but may not change heroes)
Please feel free to leave any comment or challenge suggestion for the next pack, as I fight in The Battle of Lake-Town!