The Sailors to the Sea

lorunks 571


Simple but effective Fellowhip that I've used for the Dream-chaser cycle.

The deck is a relly powerful questing deck: Aragorn with Unexpected Courage and Silver Circlet is very poweful in questing and controlling location. Heirs of Earendil will take care of bad locations in Staging Area. Threat reduction through Elrond's Counsel and resource/draw is possibile through Arwen Undómiel and Elven-light. This Deck, togheter with The One Ring can also handle many quests in solo.

The deck take care of combat: Faramir ability is useful both for reading sailing allies or Ent allies, that can be switched with silvans allies, depending on the quest. Sword that was Broken is for Aragorn, while other attachments are for Legolas or Grimbeorn the Old. Threat reduction through Secret Vigil and location control from Beorning Guardian.

Nárelenya is the obvious choice for the Tactics Deck, but I've used Silver Wing for two of the sailing quests: I've defeated the Stormcaller in the second turn of The City of Corsair, thanks to Glorfindel and Aragorn, togheter with all the ranged heroes/allies in the deck.

I had only one loss in Storm of Cobas Haven, due to a game ending treachery.

In the end, a fellowship with a few number of combos, but effective and solid.