Peril in Pelargir - Gondor and Outlands


This scenario has battle quest. The initial onslaught of enemies can be brutal, and encounter card effects (enemy/treachery/shadow) cause you to discard resources, discard cards, or deal damage to all allies. Even if you survive the first stage, you still might threat out from Collateral Damage - very perilous.

Beregond gets Gondorian Shield, Spear of the Citadel, and 2x Unexpected Courage
Boromir gets Raiment of War and Heir of Mardil
Eleanor gets Horn of Gondor, Gondorian Shield, and Valiant Sword
Denethor gets Steward of Gondor and Gondorian Shield
Hirluin the Fair gets Lord of Morthond
Théodred gets Valiant Sword

Mulligan Gondor deck: Raiment of War, Gondorian Shield, Unexpected Courage
Mulligan Outlands deck: Lord of Morthond, Knights of the Swan, Steward of Gondor

Théodred gives resources to Hirluin or the Gondor heroes.
Use Eleanor to keep Boromir out of Local Trouble (condition att), and to cancel Collateral Damage.
Anfalas Herdsman is for encounter card effects that deal direct damage.
Straight Shot is for the Pickpocket.
Sword of Morthond is great with Knight of the White Tower.
Faramir is for Stage 3.

A possible opening strategy:

  • Start with Alcaron's Scroll attached to Boromir
  • Boromir commits to quest and uses his ability right away to ready (unless 3+ Thugs are staged).
  • Boromir's threat raise causes the Harbor Thugs to engage.
  • During combat, Boromir defends against one Thug, taking a damage (assuming no Raiment of War).
  • By taking damage, Alcaron's Scroll moves to the Thug, which stops The Leaping Fish location's forced effect.