campaign_original_battle at pellenor

doomguard 2190


description to this fellowship at the bottem, first, the explaining of the "campaign original"-mode and links to dekcs.over the time i will add more links to created decks by this mode :


Sam the brave (usuable at all szenarios where he is alone (with frodo) or can be added to other decks not including him: -


Campaign "original" rules


General restrictions: No constellations that speak against the book, e.g. Truchsess on someone other than Denethor, no swords, plate armor or similar on hobbits (daggers and chain mail work). Unique attachements only to the characters who owned them (Celebrians Stone, Anduriel, ... / Aragorn, Windfola / Eowyn, Snowmane / Theoden etc ......)

The restriction to characters that are allowed is handled separately for each scenario.

Tolkien Points

The Tolkien points add up and are: a) a measurement of how close you have played the book so far b) Tolkien points can be used for every adventure and are available again for every adventure:

  • Avoid increasing threats when swapping heroes in the book-appropriate way
  • used as ring resources
  • can be used to start with corresponding heroes with the corresponding previously acquired artifacts for their cost (sting, mail -> frodo/sam, anduriel -> aragorn, glamdring->Gandalf)

Black riders

Tolkien points:

  • A shadow of the past: complete the scenario without destroying a black rider/nazgul (discarding is allowed)
  • A knife in the dark: Frodo is wounded by a Nazgul opponent who is equipped with a morgul blade.
  • Escape to the ford: Glorfindel shows up with Asfaloth and helps

A shadow of the past

Allowed characters: All unique Hobbit characters as heroes (except Frodo, who is the campaign hero) All non-unique dunedain allies All hobbit allies

The old forest Allowed characters As heroes: Merry Pippin Sam No allies except Tom Bombadillo

Barrows heights Allowed characters As heroes: Merry Pippin Sam, No allies except Tom Bombadillo

A knife in the dark

Allowed characters As heroes: Aragorn, all unique Hobbit characters (except Frodo, who is the campaign hero), Bill, Butterbur Allies: All non-unique Dunedain, all hobbit allies, Butterbur, Bill

Escape to the ford

Allowed characters As heroes: Aragorn, all unique hobbit characters (except Frodo, who is the campaign hero), bill, all unique Noldor who were in imladris at the time: Elrond Arwen Elladan Ellrohir Erestor Glorfindel Gildor (only if the ally is not in the campaign supply) As allies: All non-unique Dunedain and Noldor allies bill

The Road darkens:

Tolkien points:

Journey in the dark:

  • Gandalf sacrifices himself at the Balrog and stays dead!

  • Breacking of the fellowship (2):

  • -- Borimir carries the horn of Gondor and sacrifices himself or is killed by archery

  • -- The Borimir player plays the honorable action Horn's Cry in the same phase in which boromir dies

The ring goes south, Journey in the dark:

Allowed characters: only those who were also in the book (frodo is part of the campaign as a campaign hero anyway): aragorn, gandalf, boromir, legolas, gimli, sam, merry, pippin NO ALLIES (so hunters decks are a good idea)

Breaking of the fellowship

Allowed characters: Aragorn, boromir, legolas, gimli, sam, merry, pippin, Galadriel and all of the Silvans except Thranduil

Treason of Saruman

Tolkien points:

  • The Uruk-hai: Gandalf gets Beyond All Hope
  • Helms Klamm: Legolas and Gimli each receive a keeping count and must conclude the scenario with a difference of +1 for Gimli
  • The way to Isengart: Ents are "shaken up" i.e. at least one use of Boomed and Trumpeted

The Uruk-hai

Allowed unique: Merry, Gimli, Legolas, Eomer, Pippin Ceorl, Déorwine, Éothain, Gléowine, Guthlaf, Grimbold, Dunhere Allies: all ents, all non-unique rohan

Helm's Deep

Allowed unique:Erkenbrand, Gandalf , Eomer, Theoden, Eowyn, Elfhelm, Legolas, Gimli, Hama * Ceorl, Déorwine, Éothain, Gléowine, Guthlaf, Grimbold, Eomund Allies: all non-unique rohan allies

The road to Isengart

Gandalf, Eomer, Merry, Pippin, Theoden, Legolas, Gimli, Ceorl, Déorwine, Éothain, Gléowine, Guthlaf, Grimbold Eomund, Eowyn, all unique Ents Allies: all non-unique rohan allies all ents

Land of the Shadow:

Tolkien points:

  • Passage of the marshes: complete the scenario in normal mode and use the rabbits
  • Shelob's Lair: Sam defeats Shelob and uses Phial of Galadriel

Passage of the Marshes Sam (gray wanderer) no allies (rabbits are used here) Journey to the Crossroads Sam, Faramir, Damrod, Mablung, Anborn, Derufin, All non-unique Ranger allies of Gondor

Shelob's lair Sam (gray wanderer) no allies

Flame of the West:

Tolkien points: passing of the gray company:

  • realize 30 dunedain characters in the game ( 31 with aragorn)

Battle on the pellenor fields (2):

  • Theoden takes part in a charge of the Rohirrim and Theoden then dies, killed by the witch king.
  • Eowyn kills the Witch King

The Passing of the Gray Company

legolas, Gimli, Amarthuriel Beravor, Elrohir, Elladan, Idraen, Halbarad Eldahir, Sulien, Thalion all not unique Dunedain allies

Battle on the pellenor fields

heroes: Merry, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf, Pippin, Denethor , Faramir Beregond, Hirluin , Prince Imrahil, Eleanor, Damrod, Theoden , Eowyn, Eomer, Dunhere *, Fastred, Elfhelm Amarthuriel, Beravor, Elrohir, Elladan, Idraen, Halbarad Eldahir, Sulien allies: ghan-buri-ghan all unique allies of Gondor except Boromir, outlands, Forlong, all of Rohan's unique allies except Hama, Thalion, all non-unique Dunedain allies

The mountain of fire

Tolkien points: 3 points if the ring is destroyed and Sam and Frodo survive.

The tower of Cirith Ungol Sam (Gray Wanderer) no allies The black gate opens Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas, Pippin all Rohan characters, except (Theoden, Eowyn, Grima, Hama, Erkenbrand, Dunhere, Eomund) all Gondor characters, except (Denethor, Faramir, Boromir, Hirgon) Elrohir, Elladan all eagles except Gweihir all Dunedain characters (max. 30;))

Mount Doom Sam (Gray Wanderer) no allies

description of this fellowship

the filet of the fellowships of campaign original. there is the most availaible cards/characters to choose from. i choose a fellowship, that is possible with 1 set of cards (3 of each card)

important things to aware of (if playing this mode):

  • steward has to go to denethor (yes it would be more powerfull at hirluin or theoden or evan gandalf, but in the books there is only one steward of godor!!!
  • aragorn cannot be used, he is campaignhero and comes at round x in the game

for maximum theme i made groups without the dunedain and elrohir/elladan, because they came with aragorn and are not there at the start of the battle (maximum theme, right?)

so it is gondor, outlands, rohan gandalf and pippin +merry. it is no really "breacking" the rules, use legolas or gimli as heroes, but because they came with aragorn, i decided to use them only as allies, because the are not there from the start.

advice for playing:

  • strat is, give beregond much defense (shield, armored destrider, helm, courage and cram), 2. line of defense is theoden (goldenshield, snowmane mandatory) and elfhelm or denthor with horse (and possible shield) can care about some minor attacks.
  • use the good carddraw/drinking song of the gandalfdeck to give beregond his shield (2. to denethor or theoden 3. elfhelm)
  • gandalf with shadowfax can help, where help is needed. if he attacks with merry, they possible can use merrys ability.
  • if possible spare eowyns coming out for the witchking (most themeful and gives tolkienpoint)
  • thorongil on eomer or, if needed on beregond
  • try to combine The Muster of Rohan with Strength of Arms
  • spears to dunhere, 1 to eomer, warhorse+dagger to merry, attacksign to dunhere or eomer(they can give to each other after use)
  • denethor can feed beregond or pippin

Jul 06, 2021 doomguard 2190

tested and worked

Jul 07, 2021 GreenWizard 323

Cool idea. I've been wanting to try something like this for awhile, but it looks like you beat me to it. :)

Jul 07, 2021 doomguard 2190

perhaps its not perfect. if you have any ideas, tell me :)

i am not completely lucky with the episodes of lonely brave sam, perhaps you have ideas, to make them (however? ) part of a multiplayergame.

Jul 10, 2021 doomguard 2190

shadow from the past:

Jul 14, 2021 doomguard 2190

road darkens: