gimli the mighty

doomguard 2190


this little fellowship is build around gimi. make him a solid quester and fight for all in the end:


  • he can quest naked for (2 self, +1 legolas, +1 dain, +1 theoden) 5 and be ready (1. round total of 11 with legolas and theoden)
  • he will have naked defense of 3 and sentinel (arwen)
  • Well-Equipped and beravor will equip him fast

with beravor a fast flipping should be possible, then gimli and legolas quest for up to +3 each (legolas up to +7). give gimli as much courage and cram as possible and as soon he has range, he can defend and kill the whole table little helpings:

with golden belt, 1-2 plates, a hauberk, perhaps a mail, a shield, gimli can pile up over 10 hitpoints and with some signs an attack about some more. defense can be inceased up to 6-8 (arwen, mail, hauberk, warnings, shield). if you want to go full mighty mode (at cost of theme ;) ), add the one ring and all ringattachements for him.


Jun 22, 2021 Adanedhel 3

In order to play this fellowship though, you have to have a lot of core sets

Jun 22, 2021 Adanedhel 3

six core sets is too many

Jun 22, 2021 doomguard 2190

i have no problem to proxie and have won several courages and test of will in lures ;)

if you want to play it without so many courages, put in Miruvor and Cram instead and increase Lembas.

if its still not enough actions for gimli add some Hold Your Ground! (in the combatphase where u will need it he will have sentinel)