Lords of Gondor - YouTube Series

Imrahil13 1340


Join us, Eric & Jeff, for our YouTube Series, Lords of Gondor, as we tackle every quest in the game using these same two decks throughout the entire run (Nightmare Mode where possible). At time of posting this, the Nightmare Core Set quests (NM Passage Through Mirkwood, NM Journey Along the Anduin, NM Escape from Dol Goldur) are posted at the YouTube channel above, with new episodes (quests) coming every week.

Each episode focuses on a quest (starting with Nightmare Passage Through Mirkwood), and will feature a "Big Card Breakdown" where we highlight and discuss key cards in our decks, "Encounter Deck Spotlight" where we briefly discuss the key encounter deck cards that will most inform our game decisions, and then our playthrough(s) until we clear the quest. You'll see every attempt, losses and all, as we try to clear the Quest Gauntlet using a "One Fellowship" approach, meaning that we cannot swap any cards between quests.

"Gondor has no sideboard. Gondor needs no sideboard."

Please join us, as we find out just how much strength remains in the blood of Numenor.

Video Links:






  • NM Peril in Pelargir (link)
  • NM Into Ithilien (link)
  • NM Siege of Cair Andros (uploading)
  • NM Steward's Fear (uploading)
  • NM Druadan Forest (uploading)
  • NM Encounter at Amon Din (uploading)

New Quest(s) added weekly


May 17, 2021 abdominous rex 14

Great decks! Love the idea!

Jun 18, 2021 GreenWizard 323

What's your opinion on the White Tower Watchman? 2 willpower with Visionary?

Jun 18, 2021 Imrahil13 1340

@GreenWizardhe's basically there for his stat spread, which is pretty good.

Being neutral, he's very easy to play on any given round. And with the Vsionary/Boromir boost he's pretty often a 2/1/2/3 which is solid for playing or putting into play with Lothiriel or Prince Imrahil. In particular, he's a fairly good Chump Block when found with Prince Imrahil, because any Shadow Effects that deal 1 damage to the defender OR penalize you if the defender is killed during the attack are less likely to be a problem with the 2 DEF / 3 HP watchmen is blocking.

Also, in some very niche situations, his ability can become a lifesaver. For instance, in NM Escape from Mount Gram, you only have a single hero, so you're "monosphered" for the purpose of triggering the Watchman's ability, which is especially helpful in that sort of quest where body-economy is clutch.