Stop complaining and sneak!
Truck 1472
The idea of this fellowship is that both teams to keep their threat low, and the Hobbit/Glorf team quests and keeps enemies engagement cost high, while Dúnhere murders the staging area. I beat the first two ALeP quests and was so close to beating Carn Dum, if a shadow didn't make Thaurdir flip and heal, I would have killed him. I will further break down both decks:
1: Hobbit/Glorf
Pippin: Pip is just doing what he does best: Keep those enemies up there. Attach Resourceful to him.
Glorf: Glorfindel is just being Glorfindel again: Low starting threat, high willpower, Light of Valinor, Asfaloth. If you have already attached Resourceful to a Hobbit, he can get copy #2.
Robin Smallburrow: He is your MotK target. Really helps keeping engagement costs high.
Arwen Undómiel: Really powerful ally. Normally, I give the to Deeping Defender.
The Galadhrim's Greeting: You can use this on Dúnhere, really powerful for the type of fellowship this is.
Elrond's Counsel: Really helps, every time I've played this fellowship I get all three copies out by the end of the game.
Daeron's Runes: Helps get other cards out. OP card. I'm just telling people what they already know right?
Out of the Wild: I was able to get a Daechannar's Will into the victory display while playing Carn Dum. Helps a lot.
Needful to Know: Helps with planning if there quite a few enemies in play. I do reduce my threat by at least two every time I use it. Works well with Gildor's Counsel.
Gildor Inglorion: I mostly just quest with him, but he is a decent defender.
Warden of Healing: All of the healing for both decks, minus The Grey Wanderer contract.
Deeping Defender: Arwen Undómiel's target. Can defend for both decks reasonably with Arwen Undómiel's . Can also return enemies to the staging area with damage, to help Dúnhere.
2: Dúnhero
This is a deck I've been wanting to make for a long time. I've always liked Dúnhere's effect, but could never reliably use it. The Grey Wanderer fixes that.
Dúnhere: He just uses his effect. He can quest too with Strider.
The Grey Wanderer: I used to think, "ONLY SEARCH FOR STRIDER! Don't search for anything else, it's reeeeeally stupid if you do." In this deck, I only search for Strider if I have 2x Dagger of Westernesse in my starting hand. Otherwise, search for Dagger of Westernesse.
Dúnedain Mark: Helps with Dúnhere's attack.
Timely Aid: Helps immensely. If you have to face the choice Anborn v. any other ally, choose Anborn.
Anborn: Helps with the engagement cost. Also some DD to help out Dúnhere.
Out of Sight: Helps in the rare occasion of engaging enemies swarm.
A Light in the Dark: Functions as Feint, basically and the enemy can still be attacked by Dúnhere.
Song of Kings: It helps to get Anborn out if Timely Aid doesn't work.
Hope you find this useful, open to suggestions, just keep in mind my Card Pool.
I like the idea a lot and I think it's impressive it almost beat Carn Dum. The only thing that I would think to be problematic would be defending. Do you have any sentinel option? I can't remember who's in what pack atm. I'm just thinking of the quests that have enemies with the "engages the first player" effect.