Staging Area Threat Control
Truck 1472
This is a fellowship that just breaks down the staging area. I breezed through The River Running and Danger in Dorwinion using this fellowship, and if it wasn't for The Legacy of Mordor, it would beat the Temple of Doom as well.
Afternote: I also beat NM Peril in Pelargir with this deck, and it performed very well against the hunt for the Dreadnaught, I could have won if I didn't flip the Dreadnaught too early.
I'll break down the decks:
#1: Sporagorn
The Sporagorn deck is built off the skeleton of my old Sporagorn deck, with quite a few changes. But here's how it works:
Aragorn/Aragorn: Basically, get Thorongil and Silver Circlet or Celebrían's Stone on Aragorn, and turn him into Sporagorn ASAP. Use Arwen Undómiel to discard cards like extra copies of Thorongil and A Burning Brand that are not needed, to give Aragorn resources to use his . effect, so he can quest and then use his effect. If you can get Unexpected Courage on to him too, he's your attacker. It's nice if you can get Steward of Gondor on him too, but not necessary. (Yay, not relying on Steward!! Yes!)
Arwen Undómiel: Use her effect to give Aragorn resources, and get Shining Shield and a questing attachment on her, along with Light of Valinor. She can defend against lower-lever enemies, and quest good too.
Bilbo Baggins: His card draw insanely helps both decks, and he is your primary defender of both decks with The One Ring, Inner Strength, all copies of Dúnedain Warning, all copies of Fast Hitch, A Burning Brand, and Dúnedain Signal. His shadow cancelation is great, and helps A TON.
#2: Argalad
The Argalad deck works pretty simple:
Argalad: Fetch Strider with the Contract, and try to get 2x Dagger of Westernesse on to him. He normally quests 4, and he can take out a good amount of threat with his effect. He is the primary attacker of both decks, readying hi with the Contract, after he uses his effect during the quest phase.
Mirkwood Runner: It's chancey, but he has worked really well with Rivendell Bow attached.
Anborn: Anborn works crazy well with Argalad, and it's very good if you can get him out early with Timely Aid.
Deeping Defender: He works really well with Argalad and Anborn, and he regularly kills 3 enemies with a single defended attack. (Great card, thanks ALeP!)
Marksman/woman of Lórien: Get Rivendell Blade and War Axe on her (I'm just saying, reaaaly looks like a her), and she can be a very efficient attacker for both decks.
Hope you enjoy, I would appreciate suggestions to improve the deck, but keep in mind my card pool! Thanks.
I'm curious about the use of "Telcontar", because there no Elf-stone in either deck.