TR4: The Dunland Trap, 2-handed solo, progression

mttrchrds 238


I took a break before getting to this quest. No coincidence that this quest has all the ingredients I don't enjoy in the game e.g. discarding your hand, punishment for card draw, removal of allies, removal of items etc etc. And there are a few condition cards to top it off.

It's probably not a quest I'll come back to. And I'm glad I've defeated it so I can move on.

The premise of the decks are straight-forward. Deck 1 handles combat, deck 2 quests (and shoots into the staging area if possible).

Éowyn and Trollshaw Scout are useful cards early on. As you will be losing your hand most rounds so making use of their ability to discard is great.

Early on, don't bother spending anything more than a resource on an 'item' attachment (you will lose it on stage 2). Certainly don't bother with Firefoot on Éomer until stage 1 is over.

Straight Shot is useful for easily taking down Boar Clan Stalker.

Stage 3 is fairly straight-forward compared to earlier parts of the quest. Remember to take down enemies as soon as you can or you may get swamped. Also, if you can chump-block then chump-block - especially in the final stage.

Onto The Three Trials and no turning back...