My fully compatible physical decks
warlock000 4483
Those are my four decks that I keep in my core set box together with a print-on-demand scenario.
I've created them so that no unique cards clash with each other (well, maybe except for Gandalf, but he's a temporary ally). I could make each of those decks stronger on their own, but I wanted to make sure that there were enough copies of any card to make a physical deck (I own three core sets) and so I had to make some compromises here and there ;). This way I can mix & match those decks however I like and just give one to anyone that wants to play the game with me ;). I've tested each of those decks separately and each of them works as a pure solo deck (of course they won't beat every scenario, but they are pretty well-rounded).
The sideboards are rather extensive, but this is just to give players options. Of course tweak those decks to your liking if you want to use them.
you do not use contracts is this intentional?