The Morgul Vale, Mission: Improbable
sappidus 766
A little while ago, there was a brief discussion on CotR's Discord about how underrated the card Infighting is, and it got my wheels a-turnin': what would be a ridiculous way to use it?
I think The Morgul Vale counts as one.
Specifically, I set out to beat the quest by killing the Nazgûl of Minas Morgul solely through the use of Infighting. What's more, since I was playing with my physical collection, I restricted myself to making a fellowship with max 3x of any given card, between both of the decks.
The 5 (!) separate Infighting invocations required is no joke, especially when you only have natural access to 3. The mere existence of The Master's Malice probably should've just steered me towards mono- for the Infighting deck, but I decided to be extra-quixotic and make an unholy Dunedaín trappers+Haldir hybrid.
After many failed attempts with other lists, I triumphed with this pair on its third attempt. I am publishing it a little bit for my personal posterity, but also in order to explain some of the decisions I made for teching against the quest. The experts won't find any real insights, but maybe some of the budding deckbuilders out there could be helped out by an in-depth exploration of what it means to build against a quest, even if the particular objective in this case seems so out there to be virtually pathological. Click on the individual decklists for full explanations, and I hope you enjoy!