One-Turn Win

ohuerc 469


Tested on a few quests, and updated.

Ideally, these decks should be able to draw every single card on turn 1, play almost all of them, and then win on turn 1 using the effects of Legolas and Blade of Gondolin. The tricky part is that each player can only play allies and attachments in their own planning phase, so certain things have to happen in a certain order.

The first key question is getting Deck #1 to draw itself entirely, which usually means emptying your hand to enable Galdor of the Havens. This usually means playing all of Deck #1's card draw effects first, and holding onto everyone else's unless they are necessary to continue. Once you've used Galdor of the Havens, you can play more fast and loose with who plays what and when.

The second key question is keeping threat low enough to use the Doomed cards. Each pair of Good Meal and The Galadhrim's Greeting that you find will help a lot, and once you find all three Song of Travel and two Elf-friend, each player can Elrond's Counsel their own self. Without at least one of those happening, it is difficult to play enough Legacy of Númenor to get through Deck #1. Once Deck #1 finds all three of its own Gaining Strength, it can spend its resources much more freely.

After Deck #1 plays every card in its deck, the rest should be pretty straightforward. Play Dúnedain Hunter, many many times, to lure out all the enemies. Then, quest with the entire set of Outlands allies, and remember that you will now see a ton of Treachery and Locations. Three A Test of Will are likely to be needed. Finally, play one Hour of Wrath so that Beregond can block everything, and another so that the three ranged heroes can kill everything, putting progress on the quest for each kill. A small number of quests cannot be beaten on Turn 1 due to special effects on the quest cards, but most quests can be breezed right through.


Aug 25, 2016 Seastan 45852

Impressive! Have you thought about dropping the defense altogether and just use Advance Warning in deck #1 and then Nor am I a Stranger and Forth Eorlingas! on Legolas?

Aug 27, 2016 pokie 86

@Seastan So just play advance warning during planning and engagement both? Neat.

Aug 27, 2016 pokie 86

Hm, except Advance Warning says "engagement checks" which seems different from engagement from Dunedain Hunter. Even if the latter was the same as such a check, it's not clear that the enemy would then end up in staging.

Aug 27, 2016 Seastan 45852

@pokieYou're right, I forgot that a bunch of enemies will already be engaged with you. Then the other option I can think of is The Hammer-stroke+A Good Harvest+Thicket of Spears.

Very shortly we will get Justice Shall be Done which will make all this a lot easier.

Aug 27, 2016 ohuerc 469

I don't think that will work, right? Dúnedain Hunter puts the enemies in play engaged already, and Advance Warning won't prevent that.