Harry Goatleaf

Hero. Threat: 8. 2   2   0   4  


Response: Cancel 1 point of combat damage just dealt to a hero you control. (Limit once per round per hero.)

“Your business is your own, no doubt, but it’s my business to ask questions after nightfall.”
—The Fellowship of the Ring
Lukasz Jaskolski

ALeP - The Gap of Rohan #73. Spirit.

Harry Goatleaf

Can anybody tell me what's the different between "cancel 1 point of damage" and "reduce 1 point of damage”?for example , if one of my hero take 2 combat damage, can I use his ability to reduce the damage to 1?

kainveus 140
Damage cancellation happens before the character takes the damage, sort of like what happens with Honour Guard. So yes, if you have Harry around and an hero would take 2 points of damage in combat, Harry will cancel 1 of those, reducing the amount of damage the hero takes to 1 (which can perhaps be even further reduced with Honour Guard or Mithril Shirt) — Alonewolf87 2449

Love this guy does well gimli or gloin or beorn and his fellow bree barliman. Stat wise he is 8 cost l ant isn't too bad can quest or attack. Can even take an undefended hit also. Really good if you need him to take undefended hits early on

ks5bns 51