
Campaign. Cost: 1. 1   3   0   2  

Dúnedain. Ranger.

Response: After Berelind attacks and destroys an enemy, place 1 progress on a quest card in play.

A light fell about her, and her hair shone in the sunrise.
—The Lord of the Rings
Borja Pindado

Angmar Awakened Campaign Expansion #176. Neutral.


This seems like one of the generically best boons to choose from this scenario. 1 cost for 3 attack, plus a little bit of progress too.

Though I wonder where the flavor texts on the new boons in this scenario come from. It just says "The Lord of the Rings," but a Google search for this card's flavor text has turned up nothing. Also, the art (while not bad) is really plain and I wish it were a picture of her fighting an orc or being rescued from a prison cell in Mount Gram rather than just her standing there looking smug.

(EDIT: As one of the replies has pointed out, the flavor text is a description of Éowyn from The Return of the King.)

The quote is from the description of Eowyn as she prepared to face down the Witch-King in Return of the King :). — ironwill212 1578
Ah wow, thank you! — waltercardcollector 45
Not a fan of the art. It's so generic and boring. Kind of reminds me of Terraforming Mars' art. It would make for a nice eharmony pic though. — eddyvan 34
@eddyvan Loool I can see that — waltercardcollector 45