None of us should wander alone

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Yepesnopes 1247

"Aragorn: If by my life or death I can protect you, I will. You have my sword... Legolas: And you have my bow. Gimli: And my axe. Boromir: You carry the fate of us all, little one. If this is indeed the will of the Council, then Gondor will see it done."

This is a deck I have made to accompany my hobbit deck through the saga adventures. I was tempted to make a sort of "The three hunters" theme deck, but Aragorn is taken as fellowship hero. Nicely enough, my back up choice, Boromir, has turned to be a good choice :)

I tried to include as many thematic cards as possible, like some characters that made a significant appearance in the books, like Arwen, Glorfindel, or Gandalf.

The mechanic to play the deck is easy and by now, well known by everybody. You want to get Steward of Gondor and Narvi's Belt as soon as possible and play them on Gimli (I am sure Boromir is fine with it). This opens the door to play Gondorian Shield and A Burning Brand on him, turning Gilmi into a very solid defender. The rest of the attachments are quite straight forward to distribute. I have found that one Unexpected Courage on Gimli is typically good enough, attach the second one according to the needs of the scenario. Do you need more attack? Put it on Legolas. Do you need more defence? The second one also on Gimli.

Needless to say that to fuel Legolas discard synergy with Gimli use Elven-Light, Glorfindel, or any duplicate of the unique cards.

I have found that the deck works very nice. I have tested it against Heirs of Numenor, The Black Raiders and The Voice of Isengard with surprisingly good results. If you try it, I hope you'll have a goof time! Let me know how it goes, any feedback will be welcome.

P.S: The sideboard is to remind me that for some especial adventures where you have a big boss (the Balrog, Smaug...) Some more shields on Gimli are needed.