Radagents with Treebeard

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Radagast + treebeard 0 0 0 1.0
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Clarentify 8

Eagle/Ent deck I cobbled together based on another Ent/Creature deck my friend made.


Dec 31, 2022 doomguard 2020

ents are not creatures. so no synergy with radagast.

Dec 31, 2022 Clarentify 8

yup that is intentional, this was meant as an attempt to combine both creatures and ents into one deck. they are probably better solo but this was the best I could think of with the combo in what I own at least.

Dec 31, 2022 doomguard 2020

if you like alep-cards, then The Last Alliance will make this playable ;)

this way, i would not do it, imo there is no reason to limit one of the styles (ent or creature) i it only makes it worse. but thats only my opinion, if you have fun with it, enjoy ^^

but, if ever you want to do it, some sugestions, i think it would be better:

relpace Treebeard with Leaflock (as ally he is horrible, but the cheapest motk-ent-hero. the mainreason is, you now can play Treebeard. one o the best allies in the game and absolutely the best in entddecks (worth mulligan for it, or et it fast, with Word of Command)

to make the best o Radagast i would add some Wilyador and perhaps some Messenger Raven

Gwaihir's Debt is probably not worth it, you have only 4 unique eagles in the whole deck it would be to risky or me. including 3 Wilyador that might be a different story.

no matter if you take my suggestions into consideration, Flight of the Eagles is such a good card, heaving eagles. and you missed Meneldor.

Dec 31, 2022 NERD 814

Drinking Song also deserves a spot here,

Jan 02, 2023 Clarentify 8

@doomguard you're right on pretty much all of that! I definitely think they'd be better separated but you don't know til you try :)

Unforuntately I own like none of those suggested cards. I have everything up to 'The Dread Realm' as well as 'Flame of the West' and 'The Fate of the Wilderlands', with the exception of 'The Hunt for Gollum' and 'Return to Mirkwood', which unfortunately contain some very good Eagle cards...I wasn't sure Messenger Raven was worth.

I wanted to try and print some ALEP cards but they seemed very expensive (like $50 for a pack) so I haven't pulled the trigger yet, though maybe that was cause I was looking at one individually and not the entire group.

Definitely think it'd be better with ally Treebeard there just isn't another ent hero in my card pool. I think it'd probably be better with a random lore hero instead, but time will tell.

You're definitely right about Gwaihir's Debt, I did not realize it was a unique eagle.

@NERD don't have that unfortunately, but it does seem good.

Jan 02, 2023 doomguard 2020

the problem not using an ent-hero is, that you cannot play Entmoot and Ent Draught from the start. and specialy Entmoot is one of the main strength of an entdeck. but on the other hand you have Word of Command so you might soon have Treebeard out, specially if you take Beravor as lore-hero you will maximise your chances.

the whole set of alep-cards (about 200 playercards and 300 ecountercards) you get in EU for about 140 euro +sendings, i think specially relating alepcards its no harm to make own proxies (colourprint and together with another card in a sleeve should do it)