Upgrading the Starter Decks - Elves of Lorien

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Upgrading the Starter Decks
Upgrading the Starter Decks
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Elves of Lorien - Starter Deck 253 210 20 1.0
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Upgrading the Starter Decks - Elves of Lorien 0 0 0 1.0
Upgrading the Starter Decks - Elves of Lorien 0 0 0 1.0
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Upgrading EoL 1 0 0 1.0
Elves of Lorien Repackaged 0 0 0 1.0
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Shellin 3213

I thought it might be fun to take a look at the new starter decks and see how I might try to upgrade them, using only cards from the Revised Core set and the four starter decks themselves. Some of these decks could be played together still, while others (primarily Dwarf - Gondor and Gondor - Rohan) do use some of the cards from other starter decks, so you wouldn't be able to build all four of my "upgraded decks" at once. This would primarily be a way for a solo player, or 2p group, to start slowly deckbuilding by making some small changes to the existing decks while trying to keep the overall idea of the deck the same.

This was the toughest deck for me to decide upon a hero lineup for. Elrond in the sideboard just changed the deck a bit too drastically for my taste (unless I guess you just straight up swapped him for Haldir of Lórien and added a couple of the Tactics allies), so I opted for keeping the same hero lineup since I think it is likely the best prebuilt deck among the four. Legolas subbing in for Galadriel is another great idea, since it would allow for Haldir to actually get some weapons. Another option, that I probably should have done with the published deck, was to sub out Haldir of Lórien for Bifur from the Dwarves of Durin deck. You would still get Lore access, but have a lower starting threat and a way to have some resource smoothing for some of the more expensive Lore Silvans a little earlier in the game if you drew into them.

Unexpected Courage is always solid with Galadriel, allowing for the card draw and Nenya and then making sure we had three copies of a couple of the really staple events like The Tree People and Daeron's Runes were the main considerations I had for updating, beyond making sure Galadriel had herself a ready.


Apr 13, 2022 Vancelas 1

The straight-out-of-the-box deck seems very strong as-is. I know it could be better, but holy smoke I was surprised. I curb stomped the Journey Up the Anduin scenario on the first try.

Dec 27, 2023 Aljeron 81

I like to use Sneak Attack in my Silvan decks. It pairs nicely with the bounciness of the wood elves, as well as giving me access to the age-old combo of Sneak Attack Gandalf.