Gamling - Motivational Speaker

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
King of the Mark 1 0 3 1.0
Riders of Gamling 1 0 0 1.0
Gamling - Motivational Speaker 0 0 0 1.0
Gamling - Motivational Speaker 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

ff0x 528

"Can we have a break?" Asked the tired rider.

"No," said Gamling to the host of Rohan.

The Premise

Gamlings ability is amazing, but since he is an ally it is actually quite hard to ready him on a constant basis, not to mention, that you need to find him first. All of these problems are adressed by Messenger of the King. That way we can activate him multiple times per round without too much trouble. The Eorlingas will not be stopped by exhaustion...

The Heroes

(MotK) Gamling

Being able to utilize the different abilities of our allies is amazing. Sure we can only ready him once per phase, but it is unlikely that we can afford to play more then two allies per round.


He offers the needed discount for Rohan allies, which allows us to play mutliple allies per round, since we have no resource acceleration. He is also quite adapt at providing some early game attack power.


He allows us to develop our board state while we are spending our resources on allies we already played the turn before. The ability in itself is quite ridiculous, as was already proven in a myriad of other decks. He is also pulling double duty for questing and early game defense.

This leaves us with the rest of the deck. Luckily, we have only spirit heroes, which limits the cards we can use safely without any effort.

The Allies

When it comes to allies, we look at Rohan only, to ensure that we can utlize all our heroes abilities. In addition, we want to have effects that trigger when the allies enters play or allows us to have him discarded from play. Apart from that, we look for good stats and good abilities in general.

Allies we might want to play again and again

Escort from Edoras

For just one resource, when using the discount. We can get 4 and get to use our other heroes abilities, too.


He allows us to defend against two large enemies or can defend and attack. While it is tempting to defend with him all the time, the cost of three resources can be quite prohibitive if you want to play other cards, too.

Westfold Horse-breeder

She helps us find the mounts a lot faster and the Light-footed Steed is amazing.

The Riddermark's Finest

They offer some easy to use location control.

Rohirrim Scout

When faced with a rather intimidating enemy in the staging area, he can buy you enough time to find the answer and allows for some interesting plays in multiplayer when you want to distribute enemies in a determined way.

Other important allies


He allows us handle our threat a lot better if the quest decided we have to worry about it. In addition, he has decent stats for combat.


His ready ability is not easily triggered, but can be quite powerful when timed right. Luckily we have the ally that comes next to gain a bit more control over it.

Morwen Steelsheen

No only is she the healer and threat control in the deck, she is also the best way to trigger Eomund, to ready all your allies by playing her in the appropriate action window.

The other allies are just good in itself and provide good stats or useful abilites.

The Attachments

Considering, that we spend a lot of our resources on allies, that attachments have to be really good and cheap.

Light-footed Steed & Unexpected Courage

Both bring readying effects for (MotK) Gamling which was one reason to play Messenger of the King with him in the first place. With these we can easily have him available multiple times per round.

Horn of the Mark

Our additional card draw, to find our non-ally cards more easily. We have enough allies in the deck, that even drawing some will not impede Thengels ability in a meaningful way, unless you play a really long quest.

The Events

A Test of Will

Encounter cancellation is still amazing.

Hasty Stroke

Shadow cancellation is also amazing and also quite important in case you need to defend with a hero or to avoid some of the nasty shadow effects some quests have.

Cards Left Out

Astonishing Speed

A seemingly odd choice to leave out, but you have hardly enough resources to actually play your cards from hand. Additionally, you already quest for lots.

The Muster of Rohan

Another great card, but again, it is far to expensive for this deck. Your resources are pretty much tied up for allies and the occasional Test of Will or Hasty Stroke.

Final Thoughts

The deck is a lot of fun to play and the scarcity of resources will force some interesting decisions. You will have a horde of angry riders in no time and thanks to (MotK) Gamling they will not rest until the deed is done. I recommend using tokens for the different abilites, so you don't forget the various triggers, which can happen quite easily.

As always I welcome all comments and suggestions.


Oct 27, 2021 Uruk-guy 541

Awesome idea! But you gotta' added Herugrim in my opinion.

Oct 27, 2021 ff0x 528

@Uruk-guy Thanks, I actually had Herugrim in the deck, but it was quite expensive for the extra attack value. So I ended up never playing it.