Terrible as the Morning

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Darkling Door 6148

This is a thematic deck built for an ongoing series on my blog, Darkling Door.

Theme: Galadriel accepts the One Ring

Played Against: Attack on Dol Guldur

"You will give me the Ring freely! In place of the Dark Lord you will set up a Queen. And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night! Fair as the Sea and the Sun and the Snow upon the Mountain! Dreadful as the Storm and the Lightning! Stronger than the foundations of the earth. All shall love me and despair!"

Galadriel, The Mirror of Galadriel, The Fellowship of the Ring


An elven take on Some Sort's The Grey Wanderer / Galadriel secrecy combo deck.


  • The free Setup card from The Grey Wanderer should be Nenya, allowing you to use Galadriel's and giving you access to the sphere.
  • The free card from The One Ring should be Well Preserved, allowing you to take undefended attacks and heal them up with ease.
  • Your starting hand must have an Ally you can get into play on round 1, or you'll be hurting for . Other than that, I'm looking to find Mirror of Galadriel, a few copies of Resourceful, and Ring of Barahir as quickly as possible in the early game.
  • Pretty much every round I exhaust Galadriel for her card draw & threat reduction ability during the Planning phase, then use The Grey Wanderer to ready her and give her 2 more resources.
  • Note that the off-sphere cards can only be played as the first card each round! Prioritize playing Timely Aid if you have it.
  • Silvan Refugee is an excellent source of . Since you're not doing standard defending where you might accidentally lose a character, they usually only get discarded if encounter card effects specifically discard allies.
  • You should be able to keep your threat low enough to avoid engaging Enemies until you have enough to be able to kill them. This might take a few rounds, but the deck is pretty good at questing so it's okay to leave them in the Staging Area until you're ready.
  • In the late game, or if you have some key cards in hand, it's okay not to trigger Mirror of Galadriel if you're no longer digging for any particular card.
  • Note that Silver Circlet, Stone of Elostirion, and The One Ring are all Restricted. It's okay to discard the Circlet to make space for the Stone later in the game.

► For more analysis, check out my blog post on this deck.


Apr 23, 2022 Piecommander6 1

This deck is really good. Everything works so cleanly and there are a lot of powerful effects here. I am having a lot of fun with it going through Dwarrowdelf and Khazadum Cycle so far, and look forward to seeing it through other campaigns too. Great job!

Apr 23, 2022 doomguard 2020

would replace the Lórien Guide with Rhovanion Outrider

are 3 copiesof Ring of Barahir needed? i would replace 2 of them with Silver Harp make sure not loosing the card the mirror has gifted. if not reducing Ring of Barahir then i would reduce Silvan Refugee

Apr 25, 2022 Piecommander6 1

Ooh, I'll try those combos next. Thanks for the suggestion!