Strength and Courage ft. Grimbeorn

Questlogs using this decklist
We Must Away, Ere Break of Day - Nightmare - 2 Players - 2021-01-21
Over the Misty Mountains Grim - Nightmare - 2 Players - 2021-01-21
Over the Misty Mountains Grim - Nightmare - 2 Players - 2021-01-21
Dungeons Deep and Caverns Dim - Nightmare - 2 Players - 2021-01-22
Flies and Spiders - Nightmare - 2 Players - 2021-01-22
Flies and Spiders - Nightmare - 2 Players - 2021-01-22
The Lonely Mountain - 1 Player - 2021-01-22
Dungeons Deep and Caverns Dim - Nightmare - 2 Players - 2021-01-22
The Battle of Five Armies - 1 Player - 2021-01-24
The Redhorn Gate - 1 Player - 2021-02-04
The Three Trials - 2 Players - 2021-02-05
Trouble in Tharbad - 1 Player - 2021-03-07
Loss - The King's Quest - 1 Player - 2021-03-13
Celebrimbor's Secret - 1 Player - 2021-04-08
Loss - The Wastes of Eriador - 1 Player - 2021-10-13
Win - Encounter at Amon Dîn - 3 Players - 2021-10-13
The Morgul Vale - 1 Player - 2022-01-09
Fellowships using this decklist
King's Quest First Try
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Strength and Courage ft. Grimbeorn 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Seastan 42375

It's common for me to think of a deck idea that sounds great on paper but then when I get it to the table, it underperforms and disappoints. Much more rare is it for the playthrough to completely blow away any and all expectations I had and start mowing through the hardests quests in the game in single attempts. But this is one such deck.

Why this deck is good

On turn 1, you can quest for 6, defend an attack up to 7 , and then strike back with an effective 5 (or 10 if you want to trigger Eowyn). That's a solid start for a deck if you want to be able to handle most quests.

On turn 2, you should already have the contract activated. I just tested this out, and out of 10 separate starting turns I was able to get the contract online in turn 1 in 8 of them.

With the contract activated, Eowyn and Thurindir quest for at least 10 together. With 3 restricteds on each that bumps up to 12, or 14 with Strider. You can get higher over the course of the game with Thurindir's ability, but 14 is what you will typically be questing for in early game. That's really good for a solo deck.

Why this deck is amazing

Grimbeorn the Old + Strength and Courage.

Thanks to The One Ring, Grimbeorn gets Strength and Courage on turn 1 every single game. That makes him into a character that can defend a big attack and strike back for (3+1+3) and -2 for an effective 9 , with no setup.

He absolutely smashes enemies from the get go. There is virtually no situation where a deck with 25 starting threat needs to take out bigger enemy than that on turn 1. But it's not like it's hard to simply throw a free weapon onto him on turn 1 for even more attack power anyway.

What about multiple enemies? That happens often and will surely put a stop to this deck.

Nope. If you're playing a deck with multiple swarming enemies with lower than 25 engagement cost, you can typically take at least one attack undefended. Or, mulligan for Firefoot.

Firefoot has been comboed with Grimbeorn before, but Strength and Courage just takes it to a completely different level. When you trigger Grimbeorn, he will strike back after defending for an effective 10 , easily dispatching both enemies before the second can even attack. In this way, Firefoot outperforms other readying attachments for Grimbeorn like Unexpected Courage, Rohan Warhorse, or Armored Destrier, which all require you to defend a second time and spend a second resource.

For 1 resource, Grimbeorn the Old effectively defends and destroys 2 enemies per round, all by himself. What kind of encounter deck can keep up with that economy?


Jan 21, 2021 Hippoboy 2

Strength and courage is just a crazy card and on Grimbeorm it’s nuts. Instant kill most things in the game

Jan 21, 2021 eldub 693

This might be the only Forth, The Three Hunters! deck I can see myself running...I've had literally zero luck with the contract so far.

Jan 21, 2021 Christian_Medic 985

Awesome build Seastan, love what you did here and Three Hunters is my favorite contract of the bunch (currently taking Gandalf, Spirit Legolas and Tactics Bormir through every quest in the game). Also I can speak to the power of Strength and Courage because I recently put together a Haldir Grey Wanderer deck that uses it and again for the same crazy high attack power without having to defend. Some awesome cards this last cycle for contracts and One Ring Attachments. I love the Firefoot + Grimbeorn combo and will definitely give that a go.

Jan 21, 2021 Greensbrew 83

Well, what else to expect from that ancient bear driven by the power of The One Ring? Who will wrestle it off him before he gets completely out of hand?! Ok, I am building this deck to pair with my burgling Caldara deck - that should beat those neat Nightmare quests pretty well! And this deck makes room for the plethora of allies from the other.... Thanks, I look forward to the combo with Firefoot and the ring.

Jan 21, 2021 Sfrug 370

If you got War Axe, and then one free restricted attachment (any of Legacy Blade, Bow of Yew or Round Shield), and weren't too unlucky with shadow cards, then you could use Éowyn's resource to put Strength and Courage on, use Grimbeorn the Old's own resource for his ability, and then he could defend & then kill the Hill Troll by himself on round 1.

That's wild.

Jan 22, 2021 indiefan 1

This deck looks fun! How viable would you consider swapping Lore out for Leadership in this deck? If you were to do so, which hero would you go with? Considering Sam Gamgee (low threat, and can consistently quest but remain versatile for times where an additional blocker/attacker may come in handy)...

Jan 22, 2021 Seastan 42375

@indiefan I think it could work. I'd probably go with Gildor Inglorion though. Only 1 more threat and in return you get reliable card draw. Sam's readying won't be needed, and with Strength and Courage accelerating your threat, won't trigger much either.

You could swap out the legacy blades for Celebrían's Stone, and swap out the healing cards for Dúnedain Warning. The rest is up to you.

Jan 22, 2021 indiefan 1

Hahaa, thanks so much! I read your comment as I was looking over my Sam build and thinking to myself "card draw is going to be a real problem here". Gildor is perfect.

Jan 22, 2021 Alonewolf87 2218

@SfrugOne of Grimbeorn's restricted slots is already filled by The One Ring so equipping one War Axe already gives him +2 Attacks. But think it comes up short of 1 Attack of killing the Hill Troll (3 base attack doubled to 6 + 1 from Strenght and Courage +2 from War Axe +2 from Grimbeorn's Defense drop = 11 when you need 12 total since the Troll has 3 Defense and 9 Hit Points). Still that's already an impressive feat taking into account you only need 1 specific card in your starting hand to pull it off.

Jan 22, 2021 nelloianiro 1015

Why not a tactics side quest?

Jan 22, 2021 Sfrug 370

@Alonewolf87: the Forth, The Three Hunters! contract allows one extra restricted attachment for each hero. So with war axe and two other restricted (The One Ring plus one of the free ones) Grimbeorn the Old would attack for 3 base attack doubled to 6 + 1 from Strenght and Courage +3 from War Axe +2 from Grimbeorn's Defense drop = 12, enough to kill the troll.

Jan 22, 2021 Seastan 42375

@nelloianiro No real reason other than trying to maximize the percentage of restricted cards. A single Keep Watch could be good though for quests with a lot of swarming enemies, like 7th Level for example.

Jan 23, 2021 GreenWizard 310

Amazing deck like always. Wonderful job!

Jan 23, 2021 indiefan 1

Did you consider Golden Belt for this? I was forced to make a few substitutions because of card pool, so I ran it. Wouldn't be fun to top deck of course, but I found it so easy to max out restricted attachments that in my games I was never unhappy to see it. Might be specific to the extra card draw with Gildor Inglorion though...

Jan 23, 2021 Seastan 42375

@indiefan I did, but I preferred maxing my probability of flipping turn 1. I would lose more often due to a slow start than to not being able to attach a 4th restricted.

Jan 24, 2021 ellipticaltable 204

I wonder if there is a good option for getting Inner Strength onto Grimbeorn.

Swapping Thurindir for Éowyn would be amazing, if only she didn't clash with her alter ego. Oh well.

Círdan has potential, especially with Elven-light for extra card draw. His starting matches Thurindir's max. Any particular reason you went with over ?

Jan 24, 2021 Seastan 42375

@ellipticaltable There are endless possibilities for good decks built around Grimbeorn and Strength and Courage. But here are a few reasons why you might pick Thurindir over Cirdan.

  1. Legacy Blades for quicker contract flipping.
  2. Cirdan brings along a lot of tempting toys (Light of Valinor, Elrond's Counsel, A Test of Will) which again slow down the contract flipping.
  3. If you want to be able to handle multiple enemies, you either need to find a way to get Grimbeorn both readying and resource generation, which is tough for a spirit hero to provide, or you need to get Firefoot. Thurindir (with Gather Info) helps you get Firefoot online right away (or if you already found Firefoot, then Magic Ring is another way to get an extra defense+counterattack every other round).

Jan 25, 2021 doomguard 2006

tactic-eowyn and thurindir is surprisingly good, specially as 3 hunters. used them (in a 2 player fellowship) to make fortress of nurn. depending what is the goal of the deck you can put in a 3.rd hero. for battle grimbeorn with strength is top. for counter eleanor is th choice and for questingpowerhouse, choose arwen. you will profit from a low startingthread in all cases.

Jan 30, 2021 TheChad 12901 here is my run against Nightmare Intruders in Chetwood with this deck.