Campaign Khazad-Dum Dwarrowdelf 1

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Starter Dunedain Deck 8 5 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

maclis 83

My starting deck to campaign Khazad-Dum and Dwarrowdelf (9 scenarios).


Jun 14, 2016 Darkling Door 6149

Looks solid! Have you considered Pelargir Ship Captain instead of Guard of the Citadel to help you with resource smoothing, perhaps instead of Song of Wisdom?

Are you planning to use the same deck throughout all of Khazad-Dum & Dwarrowdelf, evolving it from quest to quest?

Jun 15, 2016 maclis 83

Yes of course. Here you have my deck for second quest: Thank you for advice of adding to deck Pelargir Ship Captain instead of Guard of the Citadel, I may use it in third quest

Jun 15, 2016 maclis 83

Also, I had completed "Into the Pit" with this deck, but I removed 2xCitadel Custodian and 1xAthelas, and added 2xIngold and Miner from Iron Hills.

Jun 15, 2016 Darkling Door 6149

That's the way my wife and I play too--we use the same heroes throughout a cycle but update the decks little by little as we go.