Ered Mithrin: Dalefenders of Erebor

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Ered Mithrin Part 1: Journey Up the Anduin
Derived from
The Men of Dale and Dwarves of Erebor 28 12 4 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

easypat 15

A deck meant to play in two-handed for the Ered Mithrin cycle. Born from a frustration with the recommended decks in the hero box, I smashed a couple of decks I'd looked at together to see how they'd play.

The first quest is extremely punishing for Dale decks, so I tried to just focus on Guardian of Esgaroth. I'll likely slim down the number of allies by a couple in order to focus entirely on the Guardians, but Long Lake Trader allows you to shift attachments around (this doesn't count as playing them, however, with respect to Brand's card draw ability). Once you get Valiant Determination, Hauberk of Mail/Bow of Yew and/or Warrior Sword on them they really start to get ramped up. Wild Stallion can accelerate these machines of retribution by quite a lot, especially if you're still under the +3 bonus for attachments.

Side quests are mostly for the scenarios where you can stall for time, since Dale will need some time to build up to a self-sustaining state. Gather Information lets you delve for King of Dale, A Test of Will, or Necklace of Girion if you have a fairly open staging area and know what's next.

This didn't quite feel as snappy to play as I'd hoped, so for Lost in Mirkwood I'll likely swap a few things out to include some card draw from We Are Not Idle and maybe cheap attachments like Squire's Helm.